David Lorton

STEM Teacher

Phone Number
dlorton@peell.k12.wa.us (This is the preferred communication method)

Courses Taught:

Math 6th, 7th and 8th

Science 7th and 8th 

math lab 6th



Hobbies and Interests:

Hunting and fishing, mushroom and berry-picking, meat processing and gardening,
traveling, video games and watching movies with family.


Grays Harbor for Basketball, then Centralia College to get his A.A. and A.S. After that, he went to Eastern Washington University where he would get his B.S in Exercise Science (Pre-Physical Therapy) with a minor in psychology. He then attended Western Governs University to obtain his Master's in teaching.

Short Bio:

Married to a Doty girl, Doreen Brooks, he has two daughters and would like to own a butcher shop one day.
Has also taught 6th grade in Oakville School District, Home Ec, Culinary Arts, and Economics at Napavine High School.